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Version 6.8 (18, September 2024)

  • Added new built-in option for Google reCaptcha
  • Added new built-in option for Turnstile captcha
  • Added new built-in option to collect payments through PayPal Standard
  • Added new facility to disable IP logging
  • Added new facility to read/unread form entries
  • Added new built-in feature to block empty form submission
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.7 (08, July 2024)

  • Added an option to set class selector for form field wrapper
  • Added an option to set Placeholder text for the select picker & multi-select
  • Added an option to clean up the analytics visitors data
  • Fixed: multi select label with comma value doesn’t work properly
  • Fixed: exported data with single/double quotes breaks in CSV
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.6 (13, May 2024 )

  • Improved Front end form field initialization
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.5 ( 22, April 2024 )

  • Added new option to set “ARIA-LABEL” attribute for form fields
  • Added new option to prevent empty form submission
  • Updated font awesome icons to version 6.5.2
  • Improved field sorting experience in editor
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.4.1 ( 22, March 2024 )

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 6.4 (23, February 2024)

  • Added new field: Accordion
  • Fixed: Nonce creation error with certain environment & settings
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.3 (06, Febraury 2024)

  • Added Dedicated Fusion Builder block for ARForms
  • Added facility to connect external database to store form entries
  • Fixed: Bulk action conflict in View Entries page
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.2 (17, January 2024)

  • Added Dedicated Divi Builder block for ARForms
  • Added Dedicated Beaver Builder block for ARForms
  • Added new page for debug logs ( Emails, Email marketers, etc )
  • Fixed: comma separated admin email notification issue
  • Fixed: arftotal tag issue with WordPress sanitization
  • Drop embed tag support for the HTML fields
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.1.1 (01, January 2024)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 6.1 (22, December 2023)

  • Re-designed Gutenberg Block with real time preview of selected form.
  • Added helpful documentation links on every pages with floating panel
  • Fixed: Cyrillic characters not working with dynamic dropdown
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.0.1 (31, October 2023)

  • Added new shortcode for email subject to add ‘Entry ID’ & ‘Entry Key’
  • Added new shortcodes to pre-populate form fields’ default value with post/page/custom post and few site details
  • Updated MailChimp APIs
  • Updated Font awesome icons to version 6.4.2
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 6.0 (14, September 2023)

  • Added new responsive options for form width, form padding, field width, field border radius, and submit button width
  • Added new Google/Gmail option to send email notifications
  • Added new date filter to export form entries
  • Fixed: Field order doesn’t get properly managed for the fields inside the repeater when sent the data in email notifications
  • Fixed: phone number field auto-formatting not working with mobile devices ( iPhones )
  • Fixed: email notification to customer wont send if the maximum entry limit is set and the form is submitted for the defined limit time ( ie., last entry )
  • Fixed: page break label field option not displayed with survey style form
  • Fixed: PHP 8.x version compatiblity
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.9 (18, January 2023)

  • Added new facility to place FILE UPLOAD field in Repeater
  • Added a new option to set minimum and maximum date dynamically for the date field
  • Added a new option to set name attribute for fields while sending data to Webhook URL
  • Improved Widget design in the theme customizer
  • Fixed: Responsive issues
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.8.1 (21, November 2022)

  • Updated: Font Awesome Icons to version 6.2.1
  • Improved ARForms with AJAX based themes
  • Fixed: Select picker opens keyboard on mobile devices
  • Fixed: Popup forms design issue with different theme in mobile devices
  • Fixed: Bordered theme submit button color issue
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.8 (29, June 2022)

  • Added facility to send attachment to user with auto-responder emails.
  • Added facility to modify label names for first name & last name for SendinBlue
  • Improved ARForms Elementor widget functionality.
  • Fixed: W3C validation error with CSS
  • Fixed: Running Total not working for Selectpicker when conditional rule is also set with the selectpicker.
  • Fixed: Database caching related issue with Running Total ( two or more running totals having common fields in the formula )
  • Fixed: SMTP debug log popup is not displaying when an error occurred while sending test email.
  • Fixed: Images could not copied while importing sample forms
  • Fixed: Google reCaptcha verification issue when http(s) wrapper is disabled in the server configuration
  • Fixed: MadMimi API verification
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.7.1 (12, March 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 5.7 (05, March 2022)

  • Added New Facility to set timer on multistep forms
  • Added completely new two page break styles for wizard type forms
  • Added New option to set success message posstion to bottom
  • Added New facility to set modal forms on the image
  • Added new facility to set Prefix/Suffix icons for the material theme
  • Improved CSS loading performance for forms
  • Fixed issue : Like and Smiley control with bootstrap theme
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.6.2 (03, November 2021)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 5.6.1 (28, October 2021)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 5.6 (25, October 2021)

  • Added New Field: Rich Text Editor
  • Added New option to enable previous page clickable for wizard style form
  • Added New widget for WordPress Block Editor widget
  • Added New options to set Animation on fields and page break
  • Added New option to set dynamic options in Dropdown Field.
  • Improve design for Image over checkbox & radio
  • Added Option to set width and icon for the image over checkbox & radio
  • Remove bootstrap dependency from Dropdown, Multi-select, Slider, Phone (input mask), Date, Time, & Auto Complete Field
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.5.1 (06, September 2021)

  • Added HTML field (Only when running total is enabled) at form entries section
  • Added new facility to change labels for progress bar
  • Fixed RTL layout issues
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.5 (24, August 2021)

  • Added 2 New Fields: Matrix & Spinner
  • Added option to select minimum options for checkbox and multi-select
  • Manage WordPress user session
  • Added facility to navigate between entries from view entry model.
  • Added facility to view specific entry in a model for partial form entries.
  • Updated Font Awesome Icons
  • Optimize database queries
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 5.0 (16, June 2021)

  • Added new form style: Material Outlined
  • Added facility to crop and rotate image for file upload field. (supports only .jpg, .jpeg, and .png files)
  • Added new option to force users to choose strong password
  • Updated Materialize Library
  • Improve performace for loading data from CSV for preset field choices (checkbox, radio, select, multi-select, and auto-complete)
  • Fixed: cookie reset issue with normal submission
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 4.4 (13, May 2021)

  • Fixed notice/warnings related to PHP 8
  • Fixed issue regarding broken forms in Editor
  • Added HTML field (Only when running total is enabled) for sending data to redirect URL using GET/POST method
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.5 (08, March 2021)

  • Added option to customize validation message of number range for the Number Field
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.4 (04, March 2021)

  • Added new facility to open redirect URL in new tab or new window.
  • Allow HTML field to be displayed in the email message for [ARF_form_all_values] shortcode
  • Fix MailChimp Webform issue
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.3 (18 January, 2021)

  • Added New Facility to Remove Junk Files (User uploaded files which are not associated with any forms)
  • Allow conditional email facility based on the running total
  • Updated AWeber oAuthentication to 2.0
  • Fixed site-health loopback request fail error
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.2 (16 December, 2020)

  • Added Compatibility for PHP version 8
  • Added Compatibility for WordPress version 5.6
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3.1 (27 November, 2020)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.3 (25 November, 2020)

  • Added new email marketer – Drip
  • Added support for German Date Format
  • Added facility to limit the ‘GET/POST’ parameters while sending data through URL
  • Added option to hide/show uploaded files via ARForms file upload control in the WordPress media section
  • Added facility to use field value in the HTML field in the same form
  • Updated Font awesome icons to version 5.15.1
  • Allow ,(comma) as a decimal separator in the number field.
  • Add an option to show slider field tooltip on hover.
  • Improve model forms structure to reduce duplication of the code
  • Improve conditional logic – backend side
  • Restrict auto-complete field to accept the data that are not in the list
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 4.2.1 (15 August, 2020)

  • Added facility to display thousand separator for the running total.
  • Fixed issue with form in header/footer elementor template using ARForms widget.
  • Fixed conflict with ‘The Events Calendar’ plugin
  • Fixed autocomplete issue for displaying limited results
  • Fixed autocomplete issue with Latin characters
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 4.2 (08 August, 2020)

  • Added facility to set file upload counter to allow maximum file upload ( only for multi file uploader )
  • Added new field – Multi-select
  • Added WordPress categories, tags and WordPress product in the preset field choice ( For Checkbox, Radio, Select, Multi-select and Auto-complete field )
  • Updated Mailer Lite Library
  • Updated DataTable library
  • Added an option to inherit the theme fonts
  • Other bug fixes

Version 4.1  (09 July, 2020)

  • Added Field tooltip position option
  • Added placeholder option for the “time” field
  • Fixed validation issue with the repeater fields.
  • Fixed rocket loader issue with cloudflare
  • Update slider library to fix ipad issue.
  • Improved Repeater UI for confirmation summary and email content
  • Other bug fixes

Version 4.0.3  (10 February, 2020)

  • Minro bug fixes

Version 4.0.2  (29 January, 2020)

  • Minro bug fixes

Version 4.0.1  (22 January, 2020)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.0  (20 January, 2020)

  • Introducing new control: Repeater Field
  • Added facility to save partially filled form data to the database
  • Added new email marketers: Hubspot, Convertkit, and Sendinblue
  • Added facility to disable built-in anti-spam feature
  • Added facility to enable the multi-column form on widget forms
  • Added options for button shadow
  • Enable hidden field for conditional logic for ‘set value of’ action
  • Added new option for popup form to hide/show popup form for logged in user
  • Added facility to rename key for submitted fields while using ‘Send data to redirected page/post using POST or GET method’ option
  • Added new option to send data only in an email without storing it to database
  • Improved Form Editor
  • Improved Section Field Control
  • Improved add new form popup to install ARForms samples in one click
  • Added new Font Awesome icons
  • Improved Site-wide popup to display popup form once per browser session
  • Improved Number field validation for different language keyboard
  • Prevent form submission while file upload is in progress
  • Fixed special characters issue with import/export
  • Fixed spam detected message with WP-Rocket plugin
  • Fixed signature field issue with model forms
  • Fixed file upload drag & drop control issue with modal forms
  • Fixed site-health loopback request fail error
  • Other bug fixes

Version 3.7.1  (05 April, 2019)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 3.7  (04 April, 2019)

  • Introduced new field – Credit Card
  • Introduced Site-wide Popups
  • Added facility to install readymade samples with just one click
  • Added in-built support for Elementor page builder
  • Updated MailChimp API to version 3
  • Updated Aweber authorization method
  • Added Cc and Bcc option for admin email notification
  • Added new shortcode for input fields for display current logged in user details
  • Added new argument in popup shortcode to pre-populate popup forms without passing value in URL
  • Added facility to make fields read-only
  • Added an option to round up running total
  • Added facility to delete uploaded file from view entry modal
  • Added widgets in WordPress dashboard for quick analytics and available add-ons of ARForms
  • Improvement in conditional logic
  • Other bug fixes

Version 3.6.1  (06 March, 2019)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 3.6  (08 December, 2018)

  • Added compatibility with Gutenberg Editor
  • Added support for country flag for phone number field
  • Improved spam filter captcha mechanism
  • Updated PHPMailer Version
  • Added new shortcode for email to display the page URL where the form is placed
  • Fixed Elementor Plugin Conflict
  • Improved conditional logic
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.2  (03 October, 2018)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.1  (14 August, 2018)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 3.5  (03 July, 2018)

  • Introducing new field: Switch
  • Added new font awesome icons
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.4.3  (09 June, 2018)

  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.4.2  (30 May, 2018)

  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.4.1  (26 May, 2018)

  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.4  (22 May, 2018)

  • Introducing new Opt-in : MailerLite
  • Added option to prevent storing visitor analytics data
  • Added an option to add GDPR privacy policy guide-line
  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.3  (16 April, 2018)

  • Added feature to change field type without losing the entry data.
  • Added option to change file upload path.
  • Added facility to send form submission data along with redirect URL.
  • Added facility to reset default checked radio button option from form editor.
  • Added some ready-made clickable regular expression validation patterns at field options.
  • Separate “Reply to Email” and “From Email” options at email notification.
  • Added image control options to change image position, height and width at mobile device.
  • Added styling option for placeholder opacity.
  • Other bug fixes

Version 3.2  (21 Mar, 2018)

  • Added facility to display confirmation (summary) after form submission.
  • Added option to load form in Right to Left / Left to Right in RTL site.
  • Added facility to export form in form editor.
  • Fixed CSS for prefix/suffix icons in fields in RTL.
  • Other bug fixes

Version 3.1  (10 Mar, 2018)

  • Added facility to upload multiple files
  • Added facility to display confirmation summary before form submission
  • Added facility to hide survey/wizard tabs from multi steps form
  • Added facility to allow maximum options for checkbox control
  • Fixed an issue for Conditional Logic and Running Total on the same field
  • Fixed an issue regarding to field order in exported CSV
  • Fixed Different Language issues due to the special characters
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.0  (17 Jan, 2018)

  • Added new form creation styles: Material Style and Rounded Style
  • Added new very powerful In-build captcha mechanism so you do not need to add ReCaptcha in form.
  • Improved performance for Editor. Major improvement in form editor to load forms faster.
  • Added new resizable facility with multicolumn. Now you will be able to adjust column size with mouse drag.
  • Improved Conditional Logic.
  • Improved Running Total.
  • Added Two new fields : smiley and auto complete
  • Multi column upto 6 column
  • Added Conditional Redirect after form submission
  • Added Conditional Email to User after form submission
  • Introducing new Email marketer : Madmimi
  • Improved performance of Front end form rendering.
  • Query Optimization to reduce database interaction.
  • Save partial form data from abandoned form
  • Post form data to custom URL
  • Added facility to Prevent Duplicate entries
  • Added facility to limit Form submission.
  • Added PHP mailer support to send mail.
  • Added new Email format support ( HTML or Plain text ).
  • Added new Option to load js or css in all pages.
  • Added New way to import form.
  • Export form and entries in one file and import them as well.
  • Given css based checkbox and radio in forms.
  • Added new facility to set Custom icon for Checkbox and radio.
  • Added new facility to set Image over checkbox and radio.
  • Introducing new chart types for analytics ( line chart and country wise chart ).
  • Fix minor bug related to MailChimpList Field for First Name & Last Name merge.
  • Other bug fixes
  • CSS fixes

Version 2.7.7 (26 Oct, 2016)

  • Added New Font Awesome Icons.
  • Improved plugin loading performance.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • CSS fixes.

Version 2.7.6 (29 Dec, 2015)

  • Added New Google Fonts.
  • Added New Font Awesome Icons.
  • Added Facility to get value of Current User Id, User Name And User Email who submitted the form in email notification.
  • Added Authentication option for SMTP mail functionality.
  • Added Maxlength option for textarea.
  • Added facility to set current date on minimum and maximum range.
  • Minor CSS Fix related to WordPress version 4.4.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7.5 (29 Sep, 2015)

  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7.4 (22 Sep, 2015)

  • Added new facility to send test mail with SMTP setting.
  • Added auto update facility. ( Will work from next version )
  • Change adding subscriber method according to new constant contact API changes.
  • Added Bootstrap Date / Time picker.
  • Added New Font Awesome Icons.
  • Added new input masks for Phone Number format.
  • Improved Popup with respect to responsivity.
  • Added Extended Fonts support to google fonts ( Font Subset ).
  • Implemented New Google Recaptcha Method.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
  • CSS Fixes.

Version 2.7.3 (26 May, 2015)

  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7.2 (09 May, 2015)

  • Added support of change background color and text color of Fly and Sticky
  • Added new setting to set success message duration. ( For how many seconds it should stay on page after submitting form )
  • Added css fixes for WordPress latest version 4.2
  • Other bug fixes.

Version 2.7.1 (10 April, 2015)

  • Added support of AWeber’s new fields in webform method.
  • Other Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7 (04 April, 2015)

  • Added prefix/suffix font awesome icons support
  • Added Visual Composer support
  • added New Add-On page for all add-on listing
  • Improved ajax form saving in admin side with respect to max_input_vars
  • Improved form submission from frontend with respect to jQuery conflict
  • Improved Admin editor – more lightweight now
  • Added New facility for confirm Email same as confirm password
  • Given Server side validation ( required field PHP side validation to prevent spam )
  • Now sticky menu is also available for left and right position
  • Improved Import/Export functionality
  • Given facility to customize admin email with some useful predefined shortcodes
  • Added new 4 css cloud to place custom css for popup ( Link / Link – Hover / Button / Button – Hover )
  • Better UI implementation for field options
  • Given image upload facility for submit button hover
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6.3 (15 December, 2014)

  • Getresponse api is changed according to new version.
  • Given facility to add transparent form background in normal forms ( without modal window ).
  • Added “media” selector for select image source ( wp media uploader) for IMAGE FIELD
  • Changed Tab Index for RTL
  • Added min length for textbox, textarea, Number and password field
  • Added facility for to set default value for Time Picker
  • Other Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6.2 (31 October, 2014)

  • Added support of checkbox multiple values with Match Logic / Running Total.
  • Added facility to add placeholder text for confirm password.
  • Other Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6.1 (08 October, 2014)

  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6 (27 September, 2014)

  • Added Color Picker Control.
  • Added Image Control.
  • Added Running Total Facility.
  • Added SMTP mail functionality.
  • Upgraded Bootstrap version.
  • Added input mask in phone number field.
  • Added styling options for Survey “Progress Bar”.
  • Added support of WordPress 4.0 (CSS fixes) .
  • Added month / year changeable in datepicker.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.5.4 (11 August, 2014)

  • Added Conditional Logic on submit button.
  • Added New preset field choice for “Telephone Country Codes” for selectbox, checkbox and radio button options.
  • Improved CSS with respect to Responsive forms.
  • Improved Password strength indicator validations.
  • Other minor changes related to css classes and fonts.

Version 2.5.3 (31 July, 2014)

  • Small bug fixes related to css styling.
  • Improved js / css loading speed while display form in front-end.
  • Other minor changes related to css classes and fonts.

Version 2.5.2 (19 July, 2014)

  • Small bug fixes related to editor width.
  • Improved js / css loading speed while display form in front-end.
  • Improved loading speed while preview of form.
  • Improved all popup forms’ view. ( Popup Form / Fly Form / Sticky Form ) .

Version 2.5.1 (12 July, 2014)

  • Small bug fixes related to display Form title and description.
  • Small bug fixes related to import/export forms.

Version 2.5 (10 July, 2014)

  • Complete new admin interface
  • Added like and slider control
  • Added Confirm Password facility
  • Added facility to duplicate fields
  • Added new option “Onload” for display form in modal while page load
  • Added new template for job application form
  • Added new color picker
  • Added new validation error message style ( normal / advanced )
  • Added new preview style with 3 different resolution
  • Improved RTL
  • Improved form submission ( with respect to max_input_vars)
  • Added new phone number formats to validate the field
  • Added New tooltip style
  • Checkbox, radio and select box options are now sortable
  • IP Address column added in form entries
  • Submit button text can change from field editor
  • Form background Color + form background image both supported.

Version 2.0.5 (28 April, 2014)

  • Added facility to change subject of email sending out to Administrator.
  • Added facility to duplicate the fields.
  • Added facility to change file upload text color.
  • CSS fixes related to WordPress 3.9.
  • Small bug fixes related to bootstrap error message classes.
  • Small bug fixes related to conditional logic rules.

Version 2.0.4 (11 March, 2014)

  • Small bug fixes related to file upload.
  • Small bug fixes related to conditional logic rules.

Version 2.0.3 (27 February, 2014)

  • Small bug fixes related to IE 8 And IE 9.
  • Small bug fixes related to form styling.
  • Small bug fixes related to Import / Export.
  • Made compatible with GEOip PHP extension.

Version 2.0.2 (15 February, 2014)

  • Small bug fixes related to Email Attachment.
  • Small bug fixes related to Localization.
  • Small bug fixes related to CSS in different browsers.

Version 2.0.1 (07 February, 2014)

  • Added more options to property / styling at field level.
  • Improved Site loading speed.
  • Small bug fixes related to File upload in IE 8, IE 9, Star rating.
  • Small bug fixes related to Import / Export (Forms / Entries).

Version 2.0 (01 February, 2014)

  • Simple captcha
  • Conditional laws
  • Import/export
  • Flying/sticky forms
  • Editor look and feel change
  • Google fonts support.
  • Form/field level css implementation (property styling).
  • File upload control improvement.
  • Code cleanup and reduced external js/css usage.
  • Loader image improvement.
  • Better documentation.
  • Email notification part improved.
  • Few additional options on styling tool.
  • New fancy checkbox / radio buttons set.
  • Bugfix: small bug fixes related to different theme compatibility.
  • Bugfix: small bug fixes related to different theme compatibility.

Version 1.2.2 (17 December, 2013)

  • Bugfix: small bug fixes related to different theme compatibility.
  • Bugfix: WordPress version 3.8 compatibility issues fixed.

Version 1.2.1 (13 December, 2013)

  • Bugfix: small css based bug fix for dropdown, fileupload and other general formatting etc.
  • Bugfix: invalid file style upload message.
  • Bugfix: css changes conflicting with various themes.
  • Bugfix: admin email message after form submission.
  • Bugfix: WordPress version 3.8 compatibility issues fixed.

Version 1.2 (6 December, 2013)

  • Bugfix: small css based bug fix for star rating,dropdown and other general formatting etc.
  • Bugfix: recaptcha focus.
  • Added option for place form with link / button for modal window
  • Added support for dynamic modal height and width
  • Added support for transparent modal window
  • Added background image support for form
  • Added option for adding transparent fields over the form

Version 1.1.1 (28 November, 2013)

  • Bugfix: small css based bug fix for checkbox,dropdown and other general formatting etc.
  • Added default option for checkbox/radio button to inherit style from theme
  • Added option in short code

Version 1.1 (27 November, 2013)

  • Multi column support added.
  • Multi steps wizard style form support.
  • Star rating element is added.
  • Multi lingual support for admin section.
  • New set of additional checkbox and radio buttons.
  • Optional email setup for admin notification.
  • Better data about browser etc in form entries.
  • Small bug fixes and text changes.

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